Healthy Living Blog

A little motivation for your Monday... Jun 19, 2023

Self-care such as fitness oftentimes gets squeezed out.

Is this you?

I totally get it…We get consumed in our daily lives…our jobs, the children, housework, travel, etc.. And when that happens, exercise goes straight out the window.

I have been there and it is...

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Sweet Dreams... Jun 12, 2023

You can nail everything with your nutrition and fitness but if you are not getting sleep you will struggle to reach your goals.

Good sleep not only helps us to lose fat/gain muscle, it allows our muscles to recover and repair, and to regulate our blood sugar.

If you sleep 5-6 hours when you...

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Summer, Summer, Summertime Jun 06, 2023

This past Friday my children finished up school for the summer.

It is somewhat bittersweet in that I now get to sleep in a little bit each day and spend more time doing fun things with them but there is also very little time to catch my breath or focus on myself.

So, if you are anything like me...

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Why you are suddenly gaining weight in your 40s and 50sā€¦ balance mindset nutrition workouts May 22, 2023

When I ask women in their 40s and 50s what their biggest frustration is when it comes to their health, this is the typical response, “When I entered my 40s (or 50s) I suddenly gained weight and I haven’t done anything different!”

  • Do you feel like you have to have to work harder...
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Does the 1 hour in the gym make up for the other 23 hours of your day? balance workouts May 15, 2023

Does the 1 hour in the gym make up for the other 23 hours of your day?


If you are not doing what you should be doing the other 23 hours of day, you will not see results.

When I was training in the traditional gym setting, I would meet with clients 1-2x a week. But what happened in those...

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Carb Control nutrition May 08, 2023

What’s the Big Deal about Carbs?

Starchy carbs get so much attention when it comes to nutrition conversations because they are the biggest double-edged sword our bodies have to deal with. On one hand, all of our energy in the body comes from glucose molecules (carbs in their basic sugar...

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Spring Renewal mindset Mar 20, 2023

As I sit down to write this email it is 49 degrees and windy.

It does not quite feel like spring is upon us but if you are in VA you know it is only a matter of days before the pollen hits and it is 80 degrees!

I tend to think of spring as a time of renewal, a time to dream big. REAL BIG!!


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Skip These 3 Workouts If You Are 40 and Beyond balance mindset workouts Aug 07, 2022

You may be wondering what's the catch but yes, you do have my permission to skip these 3 workouts below! 

If you can bear with me through some of the science, the pieces of the puzzle will start to come together if you are struggling with fat loss, fatigue, and stress.


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Yoga for Gardeners yoga Jul 23, 2022

I may not be an avid gardener but I have done my fair share of weeding, planting and yardwork and know it can cause great soreness afterwards. So, if you have a green thumb then no doubt, you have been outside a lot these days and may be feeling the effects of bending over or being on your hands...

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The Thief of Joy mindset Jul 11, 2022

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

--Theodore Roosevelt

When we hear the word comparison, we often think of comparing ourselves to others. And while I could write on that subject for days, I am going to talk about an even more sinister comparison… comparing ourselves to our...

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Slowly by Slowly mindset May 31, 2022

A couple of months ago I noticed a lot of tightness in my right shoulder.  I didn’t think much of it at first as many of my strength training activities cause tightness. However, when I was on vacation, I noticed pain when I reach back to the seat behind me in the car.  I thought...

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Fitness and Yoga Posts: Leaving you feeling inspired or inadequate? mindset May 27, 2022

“You don’t need to do handstands or arm balances or fancy poses at all to be an excellent yoga student or teacher.” –Alexandra Crow


This quote really resonated with me.

In the days of social media so often we equate our self-worth with what we think we should be...

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