Real Results for Real People

Here's How Women Over the Age of 40 Are Thriving...




How Laura is Building Functional Strength Through Strength Training! 
"I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to be doing and certainly wasn't doing anything strategic...So, you opened by eyes to having a plan."



How Katie started to hit her strength training and nutrition goals...

A friend said, "I don't know what you are doing with your health coach, but you look amazing!"



I want to express my gratitude for helping me set a healthy path to follow as I progress through my forties and beyond!  

I found myself as just another statistic: a middle aged woman who had always been active, fit and healthy her entire life, when suddenly the unexplained rapid weight gain began.  No amount of exercise or calorie cutting helped at all!  As social media buffeted me from all directions with "experts" and their claims on calorie counting, eliminating carbs, new diets, training to run marathons, herbs and supplements, I desperately searched for something that wasn't a fad, that had proven results and, most importantly, was sustainable for myself and my family.  

Siobhan, you presented your nutrition and fitness journey and it was like you brought some sanity to all the craziness.  You introduced a plan that would work for me!  We talked about my priorities, habits and preferences, and you created a plan that I could do without restrictions or disrupting my family's busy schedule.  I love the nutritional goals and fitness plans that you tailored to my needs!  

It was so important that whatever path I took be simple and sustainable, and you provided exactly that!  I feel better than I have in years!  I'm not tired all day anymore and I'm building muscle again!  I'm not cutting calories, but I'm fitting into clothes that have been too small for a long time.

Thank you so much for creating a program designed specifically for my lifestyle! I know that different approaches, although they make work for others, would not be sustainable for me.  If I needed to describe your programs in two words, they would be "personalized" and "sustainable", although there are many other wonderful words I could use as well.  

Thank you again for all you have done for me.


"Siobhan's program is by the far the best investment I’ve made in my 40s."


"I met with two nutritionists before Siobhan.  The first advocated a ketogenic diet, which is completely unsustainable. The second suggested tracking my macros and gave me generic guidance recommended by the app's algorithm; it cut my calories and I was hungry and tired. 

Siobhan also adheres to macros, but she calculated my specific protein, fat, and carb needs based on my activity level, age, and goals.  She actually increased the number of calories I was to consume, with an emphasis on calories from protein.  Over the course of the first 5 weeks of her program, she continually tweaked my macros based on my hunger levels and feedback.  

Using Siobhan's library of recipes and knowledge, she helped me identify meals I can make ahead, recipes to boost my protein intake, and eating strategies that kept me from feeling hungry. 

I lost 7 pounds over 10 weeks (while gaining muscle mass) and I eat a balanced diet of protein, fat, and carbs.  Some days that includes a scoop of ice cream, my favorite treat, because I plan the day for it!  I am not hungry.  I do not deny myself a glass of wine on a Friday night.  Through the program, Siobhan helped me develop an approach to eating and nutrition that I can sustain for the rest of my life." 

--Courtney, 45


...I've lost roughly 8 pounds, reduced all my measurements, significantly improved my strength...


After having two kids, moving cross-country multiple times, and transitioning to being a stay-at-home mom, I struggled to lose weight and feel strong again. All the things that used to work for me just didn't anymore. It wasn't until I started working with Siobhan that I finally started to make some progress with my goals.

Siobhan's approach is supportive and non-judgmental, meeting you exactly where you're at and encouraging you every step of the way. Her enthusiasm for her work shines through in her programming and group calls. I also love that her workouts were tailored specifically to my personal needs and equipment. While workouts were challenging, they never felt impossible, and they easily fit into my busy schedule as a mom of 2 young kids.  

After completing my time in the program, I've lost roughly 8 pounds, reduced all my measurements, significantly improved my strength (I'm so close to getting an unassisted pull-up!), and consistently eat 130g of protein a day (which I never thought I'd be able to do!). I no longer feel the need to nap in the afternoons and I hardly snack anymore because my meals leave me satisfied. Overall, I feel really strong and energetic! If you're willing to put in the work, I highly recommend taking the opportunity to train with Siobhan. It's been one of the best decisions I've made for my health and well-being!

--Jill, 40

"I am definitely stronger--on the way to doing a pull up."


“I feel more confident in my body, in my food choices, and in my workouts as a result of Balanced Body.  I started Balanced Body with Siobhan because I noticed I was losing strength, and as a woman in my mid-forties I was concerned that my muscle mass was decreasing.  I also felt confused about what foods would support me to have the energy I need each day. And, to be honest, I wanted to lose a few Covid pounds that were hanging around.  

I trust Siobhan more than an anonymous trainer because I see that she is living the things she teaches. She’s a woman with similar life experiences to mine so I believed she could help me.  I didn’t want to be a nameless face in a crowded group program - this felt personalized and supportive.  

Following Siobhan’s guidance for exercise and eating was pretty easy once I got the hang of it. I really appreciated the support I felt from hearing other people’s stories in the group calls.   

By the end of the program, I noticed a major difference.  I’m definitely stronger - on my way to doing a pull-up.  My clothes fit better.  I’m eating more protein and have more energy each day.  All of it makes me feel more confident:  Confident to workout and eat well.  And confident to stand up in front of a room of people and feel great in my skin.  

Thanks for this wonderful experience, Siobhan.  What a gift! 

--Sarah, 46

"I have lost weight, gained strength, improved my posture, and worn clothes that I haven't been able to wear in a while."

Siobhan’s 12-week Balanced Body program has been exactly what I needed. By focusing on positive, incremental changes in my nutritional and fitness choices – working within my actual life – this program has delivered real results. I have lost weight, gained strength, improved my posture, and worn clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in a while. More importantly, the program has helped me establish healthy habits that will be easy to sustain.

-Heather, 53

Look What My Students Are Saying...

Meet Your Coach...

Siobhan Carlton is a yoga teacher, nutrition coach, bodyweight and kettlebell instructor and the creator of Healthy Living with Siobhan with over 20 years of combined experience. 

During her journey of teaching yoga and strength training she has learned to adjust her practice and that of her students for the physical and mental ebbs and flows of life to include pregnancy, motherhood, perimenopause/menopause and injuries to name a few.

Her purpose at Healthy Living With Siobhan is to empower women to get strong and lose fat without being a slave to diets and exercise so they can live confidently, gracefully, and healthfully. She does this through her customized programs which encompass strength training and yoga, nutrition coaching and mindset work.

Siobhan lives in Richmond, VA with her two sons. She loves to travel, take long nature walks and enjoys a good cup of coffee.



YOU are the reason Balanced Body exists. I am here to coach you and be with you every step of the way. And if I could do it, so can you! Welcome to the family.




Let me tell you something...


I designed this program because I want to help women in their 40s and beyond who are struggling to see results, just like I did years ago.

I was lucky to have guidance in nutrition and strength training throughout my journey, and now I want to share that knowledge with you to make your path easier.

In this program, I've poured all the wisdom and insights I've gained over the past 10 plus years, so that you can have a smoother journey.

The Balanced Body program is for women who:

  • Are motivated and determined to reach their goals
  • Want to feel confident in their clothes and skin
  • May already be active but need to work on their nutrition or follow a strength training plan.
  • Want to build muscle and get strong as they enter the next phase of their life

If any of these resonate with you then let me teach and guide you through the steps towards thriving and stepping into your best and strongest self.