It's time to rewrite the rules on aging and achieve a harmonious, balanced body  after 40!


In tewelve weeks I help women in their 40s and beyond learn how to lose fat without restriction, gain strength and flexibility so you can permanently remove food and exercise struggles for life!


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Are you frustrated because the things that worked in your 20s and 30s are no longer working?


This is exactly something Courtney was dealing with when I met first met her.

Courtney describes herself as always having been active and with relatively good eating habits. But once she hit about 39, she noticed a decrease in energy and an increase in her waistline.  

Like many of you, Courtney intensified her exercise, mostly with Peleton HIIT sessions. When that did not make a difference, she tried the Keto diet. She did drop weight but said it was unsustainable and her energy levels tanked. 

She also tried various group fitness classes, spoke to nutritionists, did a few personal training sessions but became frustrated with the fragmented results. 

So, when she decided to work with me, one of the first things we did was address her macronutrient needs for targeted fat loss and created strength training workouts that were sustainable and effective. 

Once she became clear on her strategy, and she received some coaching from me, she lost 7 pounds (and gained muscle) in just over 10 weeks.  

These days, Courtney enjoys a balanced diet of protein, fat, and carbs and some days that includes a scoop of ice cream, her favorite treat because she knows how to plan for it. 

After working with me, Courtney says “Through the 10 weeks, Siobhan helped me develop an approach to eating and nutrition that I can sustain for the rest of my life.” 

--Courtney, 45

If you would like to know the exact steps I took Courtney through to achieve her results then I invite you to apply to my 

Balanced Body by Siobhan

In 12-weeks you will lose fat and get stronger while honoring your body through my customized strength training and yoga program, nutrition coaching and mindset strategies.

This program works because it takes into account not just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle but dives into 3 major components: your nutrition and what happens in the kitchen (which is about 80% of fat loss), mindset and fitness.

This is not a cookie-cutter approach to fat loss and fitness. This program focuses specifically on women in their 40s and beyond and takes into consideration their age-specific issues such as hormonal and metabolic changes. 

Here's What You'll Learn

Nutritional Knowledge and Habit Building

You need the knowledge of portion size, macros, grocery shopping and meal prep.  When you have this understanding you can then build daily and weekly habits which will eventually promote healthy sustainable behaviors. The know-how and educated decision making skill set that you develop will allow you to feel empowered instead of defeated, adopting a more intuitive eating approach.   

Strength Training and Yoga

The  second thing you need is a strength and yoga/mobility plan.  A training plan must be sustainable and leave you energized and not depleted. Your plan honors your body, meets where you are and can be modified for any known injuries. Long gone are the days of “no pain, no gain”. When you honor your body and its needs instead of pushing forward at all costs you are actually more likely to lose fat. 

Mindset Strategies

The third thing you need are strategies so you can avoid self-sabotage on your journey to food freedom. As you build healthy habits based on your nutritional knowledge you will no doubt need strategies to combat feelings of defeat when, say, guilt arises after you have had that dessert or slice of pizza or you feel like you have fallen off the fitness or nutritional wagon when life throws you a curve ball.


What you get...

Balanced Body 12-Week Program

  • Kick Off Call with Siobhan: One hour call to discuss your goals, orient you to the program and create your very first action steps.

  • 1:1 Check Ins:  You will receive two 30-minute check in sessions with Siobhan throughout the program.

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls: This is where we will answer all your individualized questions about your nutrition and workouts, review food diaries as well mastering your mindset.
  • Curriculum Modules: Access to the entire Nutrition, Mindset and Lifestyle Curriculum where you will learn about macros, hormone balancing, meal prep, stress management and strategies to deal with common pitfalls in your fat loss journey.

  • Personalized Strength Training and Yoga Program: Using Siobhan’s app you will have access to a strength training program based on your individual skills and equipment access.

  • Coaching App with 24/7 messaging access: This is where you access your workouts, track your progress and message Siobhan with questions or send videos for form feedback.

  • Weekly Check-in Form: Fill in this form to update Siobhan on you progress, struggles and to ask questions.
  • Weekly Meal Plans and Recipes: Includes recipes, grocery lists, meal prep and the full calorie and macro breakdown.

How It Works


Book a complimentary discovery call to discuss your goals and where you have found yourself stuck along the way. You will learn about the model I created to help women in their 40s and beyond lose fat, get strong without restriction. 



If we chose to work together then we will schedule a 1:1 consultation where I will assess your strength and nutritional needs and gain a better understanding where you currently are on your fat loss journey.




This is where you show up and do the work with my guidance and the support of the group. Throughout the program we will tweak and modify the plan as needed and build healthy sustainable habits for a lifetime.


Schedule Your Call

Imagine waking up each morning like Courtney with a renewed sense of purpose and energy.

  • With each workout, you push yourself a little further, breaking through barriers and reaching new milestones. As the weeks and months go by, you begin to notice physical changes - your muscles become more defined, your posture improves, and your clothes fit better.


  • You navigate through life with a newfound radiance. You effortlessly connect with others, exuding self-assurance and positivity. Tasks that once seemed daunting become manageable, as your increased strength and resilience extend beyond the gym. 


  • You approach challenges head-on, knowing that you have the physical and mental stamina to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.


  • With your newfound commitment to personal well-being, you have discovered a sense of food freedom that has liberated you from the grips of obsession. No longer do you find yourself constantly preoccupied with thoughts of what you should or shouldn't eat. Instead, you have developed a healthy relationship with food, where nourishment and enjoyment coexist harmoniously.

 Ready for your life to change?

"I have lost weight, gained strength, improved my posture, and worn clothes that I haven't been able to wear in a while." 


Siobhan’s 12-week Balanced Body program has been exactly what I needed. By focusing on positive, incremental changes in my nutritional and fitness choices – working within my actual life – this program has delivered real results. I have lost weight, gained strength, improved my posture, and worn clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in a while. More importantly, the program has helped me establish healthy habits that will be easy to sustain.

-Heather, age 53


What are you waiting for?

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"Halfway through Balanced Body I'm noticing that my clothes fit better. I'm stronger overall and I'm making progress on all of the goals that I set in the beginning.  Siobhan is super supportive and I feel inspired and excited to continue our work together. —Sarah, 45