Jun 01, 2021
In the past few months, it has become increasingly evident to me that we can talk all we want about nutrition, fitness, behavioral change, motivation strategies etc… but if we don’t start with daily mindset work and improve our inner dialogue then we will not see lasting change or an improvement in our relationship with food and our bodies.
I was thinking about a very simple but effective strategy that I use with my nutrition clients. Every week you pick a habit. For instance, you choose to add protein to two breakfasts a week. If you are able to maintain that habit, the next week you add another habit and so forth. There is no depravation, there is no taking things out. The idea is that you start to consume more and more of the good stuff and therefore there is less room for poor quality foods in your diet.
So, what if this could also be applied to our thoughts? So many of our thoughts are fear-based stories running through our head. How are these stories blocking you from feeling supported and happy? What if we were to replace them with as many positive-based stories instead? Would this too just as with our nutrition, leave less room for the fear-based stories to take over? I would hope so.
What are some practical ways to do this?
In the picture above I show my new Gratitude Journal. I gave out a homework assignment to my Balanced Body Online Training group today to write three things in which you are grateful and three wins of the day each evening. So, I thought I should practice what I preach!
My daily practice is to focus my energy and attention on love, abundance and everything that is wonderful in my life. As Tony Robbins said, “Where focus goes energy flows.”
How can you bring more love and light into your life by changing your inner dialogue?
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