May 20, 2021
What’s holding you back from fulfilling your deepest desire regarding your health?
Is it a fear of failing?
Maybe, you have gone down this road before to no avail and don’t want to go through that pain again.
I recently listened to a brilliant podcast @lisajcoaching that talked about how failure is going to happen again and again and again. She says get comfortable with failing. “Failure + Failure= Success.”
I love hearing this because it reminds me that with each failure, we cultivate a little more self -awareness. I’ll give you a personal example. I used to stress eat when I was anxious or overwhelmed about things in my life. Through practice and self-awareness, it is now a rare occasion that this happens anymore. It would seem that the time between each stress eating incident became greater and greater over time.
However, Monday happened. I was going and going all day from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm between client calls, prepping for the launch of my group training and answering the demands of my children. So how did I end my day? With 4 oreos and 2 glasses of wine.
But the difference between Monday’s stress eating incident and previous stress eating incidents over the years is this:
I didn’t beat myself up
I didn’t try and workout extra hard the next day
Instead, I brushed myself off and said to myself “Hey, this will happen from time to time and the next time that I reach for junk food, I will be able to better identify the chain of events that leads up to this type of stress eating and prevent it. Thank you universe, for this reminder of the daily work that needs to be done.
I DARE you to embrace your failures so you can move onward and upward!
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