Jul 13, 2021
“Train the mind and the body with follow.” I read this quote somewhere lately and remember saying to myself YES! I honestly believe the stumbling block to so many people’s weight loss is a fear-based mindset.
As humans, we spend so much of our time living in fear, ego, worry, anxiety, comparison, lack, etc…And our ego does a brilliant job of convincing us that we are either better or worse than those around us. The ego is what is responsible for thoughts such as “I am not good enough to do x” or “I need x to feel complete.” One fearful thought begets another and then another. We fear our work, relationships, and even our own greatness.
I started to take note of my fear-based thoughts over the past few years. Identifying these thoughts for myself have been key. When a fearful thought enters my head, I am now able to catch it quickly before it causes a train wreck of emotions.
I also noticed how negative thoughts made me feel, both physically and emotionally. I figured out how I could shift back to feeling good, which usually was replacing that thought with a better-feeling thought to allow myself to stay in a loving place.
Prayer and meditation and maintaining a gratitude journal have been very important along this road.
This like with anything else is a daily practice and it is far from perfect but each day it gets a little easier and a little better. I noticed that so many of my issues whether around food, relationships or work that used to torment me seemed to disappear. And let me tell you nothing can compare with this sense of freedom!
As a coach, I take a holistic approach when I work with my clients. It is not just challenging workouts but we look at what is going on from a nutritional standpoint, mindset, and lifestyle. All these factors matter in order to have a sense of relief from anxiety and other fear-based thoughts around fitness, food, and work-life balance.
Do you find that if you are in a better mental space the physical follows? If so, I would love to hear your experiences!
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