Sometimes a subtle shift can make a huge difference
Jan 10, 2022
Here is a perfect example: Vrksasana or Tree Pose.
I remember back in the day when I first starting teaching yoga that I used to stand around in the studio lobby chatting with fellow teachers and students all while standing in tree pose.
Now when I say tree pose, I mean the picture on the left. I would push my hip out to the side and was not engaging any muscles. I was super flexible and mobile.
Fast forward to baby #2 and I would push that same hip out to the side but this time while plopping my baby on hip (and loading those poor overstretched ligaments.)
This eventually caused a tear in my hip but that is a story for another time. The point is that you must have balance between strength and flexibility in order to avoid injury.
As you can see in the first picture, I am pushing my hip out to the side and not engaging my hip or glute muscles. In the second picture, I am engaging those muscles and standing more upright.
Here are a few alignment tips:
- Root your standing leg foot into the ground
- Engage your quadricep muscles by lifting your kneecaps
- Squeeze your standing leg glute
- As you press your foot into your inner thigh, hug your standing leg hip into the midline
This is just a taste of the alignment cues you will learn in my Digital Mini-Course: YOGA BODY, STRONG BODY (Level 1) which is now available!
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