May 25, 2021
I recently listened to an interview with Brooke Shields about a serious injury she sustained.
If you are unfamiliar with her story…she broke her leg after losing focus on a balance board. She was hospitalized for several weeks and has undergone rigorous physical therapy. And in addition, through her recovery she caught a staph infection.
She says “Stuff is going to happen in your life and how you respond is going to define you. Adversity will reveal you.”
I really love this quote because it reminds me of conversations I often have with clients. We are searching for that perfection in the future. “When I loose 5 lbs. I will be happier…” “When I get that new job, things will be much better…” “When I …” You fill in the blank.
Well, I beg to differ. This is simply living in the future which only creates even more anxiety. It is important to do what you can in the here and now to love your life.
Accept that things will never be perfect. There will always be some sort of adversity or stress in your life. But that doesn’t mean that you cannot have joy and create the space to manage the daily stressors that come our way.
These can be such a blessing if you allow it to be. These obstacles and stresses allow us to see what we are made of and what BADASSES we can become!
We are meant to live a bigger life. We are meant to have community and a support system to help us through these challenges.
When I think about the challenges I faced this past COVID year or even the past 5 years I could not have done it without the support of my parents, boyfriend, aunt, siblings, friends and community.
Community and a support system can also be huge if you need encouragement to get back into fitness.
We try to do this all on our own. But we are not meant to do this on our own. And in the process, we end up short changing ourselves.
In my Balanced Body Online Group Program you will have the best of both worlds…I’ll do all the individualized fitness planning for you and you will have the support of a group!
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