Jun 09, 2021
The past few weekends have been back to fairly normal…date night with my sweetheart, furniture shopping with my parents and going out to lunch. But it is still far from the normal that I experienced 16 months ago and that is okay. In fact, it is far better today.
The past 16 months have been the greatest period of growth in my life. Truly transformative. The pandemic allowed me and everyone else to slow down and hence, reevaluate our true selves. So much shedding occurred in this time period.
Prior to the pandemic, I was wrapped up in who I thought I should be and others’ expectations of myself. I have been such a people pleaser all my life. However, during the pandemic there was no one else to please but those near and dear to me and myself. A valuable but hard lesson to learn.
This time allowed me to focus on what wasn’t working anymore in my life. That included juggling my schedule and my children to accommodate a crazy work schedule, feeling that I had to walk on egg shells around certain toxic persons, and neglecting time to meditate and pray.
My frame of mind is in a far better place than prior to the pandemic. Now, does that mean I’m free from my old thought patterns or revert back to people pleasing, etc…? Hell NO! I am constantly experiencing growing pains but I will say this…I am grounded. My daily inner work has allowed me to be a rock for my family, friends and clients. It has also allowed me the freedom to take curve balls without disturbing my inner peace. That is a freedom that has no price tag!
How has the pandemic allowed you to change or shed an old identity? Thought patterns? How has it changed the way that you now live your life? Please share!
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