Jan 07, 2022
I am a huge proponent of props in my yoga practice. It doesn’t matter how long one has been practicing, their current level of flexibility or strength. I feel that props allow you to experience the pose at its fullest.
Here is a perfect example: Ardha Uttanasana or Half Forward Fold.
In the first picture, I am rounding my upper back and my knees are bent. I, therefore, am not effectively stretching the backs of my legs, nor getting length in my spine nor openness through my chest. However, when I place blocks under my hands all of a sudden, I can create a flat back and straighten my legs.
Here are a few alignment tips:
- Engage your quadriceps by lifting your kneecaps and straighten your legs
- Press your hands into the blocks and extend your sternum forward and up
- Find as much space as possible between your pubic bone and navel
- Look forward without compressing your neck
This is just a taste of the alignment cues you will learn in my Digital Mini-Course: YOGA BODY, STRONG BODY (Level 1) which is now available!
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